Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Hurricane Isaac

It's been hurricane season here on the Gulf Coast for a couple months now, but until good old Isaac showed up we'd been living in suspended disbelief. All said, this one's not so bad. I've been through typhoons in the South Pacific that'd make your testicles climb back up into your body cavity, but the stigma of Katrina still hangs over residents along the Gulf like an abusive owner who has smacked his/her pooch one too many times over the nose with a newspaper. Now even minor hurricanes stir up fear and trepidation, and make residents shy away where once they brazenly confronted these storms with comments like, "I survived Camille, so what else you got?"

Anyone want to take the boat down to Hard Rock tonight?

This is not to lessen the trauma that some will surly feel from Isaac, though. I've watched the news (admittedly from a safe distance since I'm on a working vacation in Houston, TX) as a few residents in low-lying areas have reported their homes flooded into their second stories and of narrow escapes to high ground. There are certain to be more reports of tornado, flood and wind damage as the storm passes over and disaster assessment teams make it out into the field.

I expect I might be one of them when the Red Cross starts activating these teams since I've been volunteering with them for some time now. We'll see. One thing is for sure, though. No longer will anyone on the Gulf doubt that we are in the midst of hurricane season.

That said...hurricane party anyone?

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